Light-emitting diodes are referred to as LEDs, and light-emitting diodes are made of different materials, so they can emit light of different colors. Its colors are red light, emerald green light, yellow light, yellow-green light, orange light, purple light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, and white light. The shapes of light-emitting diodes are: circle, rectangle, triangle, square, combination shape, special shape, etc. There are four commonly used LED application circuits, namely DC drive circuit, AC drive circuit, pulse drive circuit, and color-changing light-emitting drive circuit.
The important aspects of the optical parameters of light-emitting diodes are: luminous flux, luminous efficiency, luminous intensity, luminous intensity distribution, and wavelength. 1. Luminous efficiency and luminous flux. Luminous efficiency is the ratio of luminous flux to electrical power. Luminous efficiency characterizes the energy-saving characteristics of light sources, which is an important indicator to measure the performance of modern light sources.
mark. 2. Luminous Intensity and Luminous Intensity Distribution LED luminous intensity is to characterize its luminous intensity in a certain direction. Since the luminous intensity of LEDs varies a lot in different spatial angles, we then studied the luminous intensity distribution characteristics of LEDs. This parameter is of great practical significance and directly affects the minimum viewing angle of the LED display device. For example, in a large-scale LED color display in a stadium, if the selected LED single tube has a narrow distribution range, the audience facing the display at a large angle will see a distorted image. And traffic lights also require a wider range of people to recognize. 3. Wavelength For the spectral characteristics of light-emitting diodes, we mainly see whether their monochromatic lines are good, and we should pay attention to whether the main colors of red, yellow, blue, green, and white light-emitting diodes are pure. Because in many occasions, such as traffic lights, the color requirements are relatively strict, but it is observed that some LED lights in our country are now blue in green, and red in deep red. From this phenomenon, we conduct special research on the spectral characteristics of LEDs. It is very necessary and meaningful.