Light emitting diode (LED), referred to as LED for short, is a commonly used light emitting device. It emits light by combining electrons and holes. It is widely used in the lighting field. LED can efficiently convert electric energy into light energy, which has a wide range of applications in modern society, such as lighting, flat panel display, medical devices, etc. With the continuous progress of technology, LED has been widely used in displays and lighting.
LED 3 color is composed of red light, emerald green light and blue light. We are very familiar with bicolor LED. It is composed of red light and green light.
It can emit red light or emerald green light alone. If the red light and green light are bright together, the red and green light will be mixed into orange yellow.
The three basic color LEDs can emit yellow, purple and cyan when two LEDs are lit (for example, red and blue LEDs emit purple light when they are lit); If red, green and blue LEDs are lit together, it will form a white light.
If there is a circuit, the red, green and blue LEDs can be illuminated for two groups respectively. The color control and mixed color of the 3-color LED are achieved. The mixed color of the addition and subtraction method is as follows:
LED lamps use several light sources to obtain various colors and intensities. For the performance lighting industry, it is a commonplace to add and subtract mixed colors.
Color LED can easily adjust the bandable structure and band gap width of materials through chemical modification to achieve red, yellow, green, blue and orange multi color luminescence.
The working standard voltage of red light tube is low, and the working standard voltage of LED with different colors of red, orange, yellow, green and blue rises successively.