In semiconductor lighting devices, high power and high brightness light emitting diodes (LED) are usually used as light sources. When current is applied to the LED, electrons and holes will directly compound, thus releasing energy to emit light. It has the advantages of low power consumption, long service life, etc., and is widely used in the lighting field. However, the current photoelectric conversion efficiency is low, and a large proportion is converted into heat energy, so the power density on the LED chip is very high.
High power density also requires high heat dissipation of devices. The heat dissipation of LED packages has become a major problem affecting its industrial development.
The heat dissipation mechanism of LED generally has the following forms:
1. Use heat conduction metal or heat sink fin to stick with LED package for heat dissipation.
2. Add a fan for forced cooling.
3. The package is provided with circulating liquid for heat dissipation.
4. The combination of heat pipe in the package can absorb or emit heat energy when the working medium in the heat pipe changes phase